I have a Tracking System installed on my vehicle  So why would I need  ALISYS installed on my car?2025-01-04T18:44:21+00:00

The real question here is  WHY DO I NEED THE TRACKING DEVICE?

With  ALISYS installed on your vehicle it is virtually impossible to steal, so if it can’t be stolen;  there is nothing to track.

What if my ALISYS device malfunctions?2025-01-04T18:44:50+00:00

We have yet to have a unit fail. Each unit is hand tested by a technician before shipping. In the unlikely event of a failure, you would need to first double check your ground wire to make sure it has a good connection – if that doesn’t fix the problem then remove the device from it’s connector and insert the “by-pass plug” that is provided with every unit. This will allow you to run your vehicle until you can receive a new device from us.

I want to purchase ALISYS ATD, but I am incapable of installing it myself.2025-01-04T18:45:38+00:00

Any experienced mechanic or alarm installer is capable of installing ALISYS. The provided instructions are easy to read and very concise. Rates will vary but you should expect to pay for about 1 hour of labor depending on the trigger you decide to use.

Can I use ALISYS ATD on a vehicle other than a car?2025-01-04T18:46:34+00:00

Yes. Alisys ATD can be used on any vehicle that has an electronic component that is required to run the engine. You simply disable that component. We have installed V-START in passenger vehicles, work trucks, semi’s, motorhomes, sand buggys, boats, even Harley Davidsons & Honda Goldwings. ALISYS is built so strong that we have actually installed it on roadside heavy equip

Can I use ALISYS ATD if I already have a car alarm installed?2025-01-04T18:47:15+00:00

Yes. Although a car alarm may  protect any valuables you leave inside your car, It will not stop a professional from stealing your car. Alisys ATD works great in conjunction with any car alarm as additional protection.

Can I see The Owners Manual and Installation Instructions?

Download Owners Manual Here

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